High Throughput Solutions

Geneture NGS Fast DNA Library Prep Kit

The Geneture NGS Fast DNA Library Prep Kit is a next-generation library prepartion kit specifically developed and designed for llumina® high- throughput sequencing platforms. Which can be applied to conventional animal and plant genomes, microbial genomes, FFPE, and other samples to help obtain excellent sequencing data. 

Product Description

The Geneture NGS Fast DNA Library Prep Kit is a next-generation library prepartion kit specifically developed and designed for llumina® high- throughput sequencing platforms. Using a high-quality enzymatic composition, the Geneture NGS Fast DNA Library Prep Kit improves the efficiency of DNA fragment end repairadd A-tail and adpter ligation based on previous generation library prepartion kits. The kit uses a new type of high-fidelity enzyme, which significantly improves amplification uniformity and fidelity, and can be applied to conventional animal and plant genomes, microbial genomes, FFPE, and other samples to help obtain excellent  sequencing data.


. Apply 1ng-500ng to all DNA samples, including gDNA, FFPE, etc

. Industry-leading library conversion rate, up to 70%

. Multi-sample verification can obtain excellent library and sequencing data

. Strict batch performance and stability quality control

Additional Information

Data display

Examples of different fragmented time experiments

Using 100 ng human genomic DNA as the template, a library was constructed using this kit. The fragmentation conditions were 37℃ for 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40 min, and PCR amplification was performed for 4 cycles. The final library distribution was shown as follows:



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