High Throughput Solutions

HLA Genotyping Panel

HLA, full name Human Leucocyte Antigen, is the expression product of the human major histo compatibility complex (MHC), located on the short arm of chromosome 6. It is currently known as the most complex polymorphic system in the human body, with each gene possessing thousands of alleles. HLA is associated with the susceptibility and resistance to many autoimmune and infectious diseases.

Geneture Medical combines the HLA database (IPD-IMGT/HLA database), leveraging the company's algorithmic experience and advantages in hybridization capture probe design. It has developed and produced an NGS Panel detection kit for HLA typing by designing encrypted probes specifically for polymorphic gene sequences.

Product parameters

* Encrypted polymorphic probe design for classic HLA-I (A, B, C), HLA-II (DR, DP, DQ), and non-classical HLA-I (E, F, G), HLA-II (DO, DM) and other related genes

*  Hybridization capture + NGS sequencing method, obtaining high sequencing depth with fewer sequencing quantities, achieving stable high-resolution HLA typing

*  DNA probes with high stability; support multiple sample hybridizations; support the mixed use of spike-in

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